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src.dx.datatypes.main.quick_random_dataframe(num_rows=5, num_cols=2, dtype='float', factor=1.0)

Convenience function wrapping pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand( num_rows, num_columns )) to create a dataframe of random 0.0-1.0 values.


Name Type Description Default
num_rows int

Number of rows to generate

num_cols int

Number of columns to generate

dtype str

Data type to use for the generated dataframe values.

factor float

Factor to multiply the generated values by.

Source code in src/dx/datatypes/
def quick_random_dataframe(
    num_rows: int = 5,
    num_cols: int = 2,
    dtype: str = "float",
    factor: float = 1.0,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Convenience function wrapping `pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand( num_rows, num_columns ))`
    to create a dataframe of random 0.0-1.0 values.

    num_rows : int
        Number of rows to generate
    num_cols : int
        Number of columns to generate
    dtype : str
        Data type to use for the generated dataframe values.
    factor : float
        Factor to multiply the generated values by.
    data = np.random.rand(num_rows, num_cols) * factor
    df = pd.DataFrame(data)
    return df.astype(dtype, errors="ignore")

src.dx.datatypes.main.random_dataframe(num_rows=5, dtype_column=True, integer_column=True, float_column=True, bool_column=True, decimal_column=False, datetime_column=True, datetimetz_column=False, date_column=False, time_column=False, time_delta_column=False, time_period_column=False, time_interval_column=False, text_column=False, keyword_column=True, dict_column=False, list_column=False, nested_tabular_column=False, lat_float_column=False, lon_float_column=False, latlon_point_column=False, filled_geojson_column=False, exterior_geojson_column=False, bytes_column=True, ipv4_address_column=False, ipv6_address_column=False, complex_number_column=False, uuid4_column=False)

Convenience function to generate a dataframe of num_rows length with randomly-generated values of mixed data types.


Name Type Description Default
num_rows int

Number of rows to generate

dtype_column bool

Whether to include a column of type values

integer_column bool

Whether to include a column of integer values

float_column bool

Whether to include a column of float values

bool_column bool

Whether to include a column of bool values

decimal_column bool

Whether to include a column of decimal.Decimal values

datetime_column bool

Whether to include a column of datetime.datetime values

datetimetz_column bool

Whether to include a column of datetime.datetime values with timezones

date_column bool

Whether to include a column of values

time_column bool

Whether to include a column of datetime.time values

time_delta_column bool

Whether to include a column of pd.Timedelta values

time_period_column bool

Whether to include a column of pd.Period values

time_interval_column bool

Whether to include a column of pd.Interval values

text_column bool

Whether to include a column of long str values using faker

keyword_column bool

Whether to include a column of short str values

dict_column bool

Whether to include a column of dict values

list_column bool

Whether to include a column of list values

nested_tabular_column bool

Whether to include a column of list values with nested dictionaries

lat_float_column bool

Whether to include a column of float values representing latitudes

lon_float_column bool

Whether to include a column of float values representing longitudes

latlon_point_column bool

Whether to include a geopandas.GeoSeries of shapely.geometry.Point values (requires geopandas to be installed)

filled_geojson_column bool

Whether to include a geopandas.GeoSeries of circular shapely.geometry.Polygon values (requires geopandas to be installed)

exterior_geojson_column bool

Whether to include a geopandas.GeoSeries of rectangular shapely.geometry.LineString values (requires geopandas to be installed)

bytes_column bool

Whether to include a column of bytes values

ipv4_address_column bool

Whether to include a column of ipaddress.IPv4Address values

ipv6_address_column bool

Whether to include a column of ipaddress.IPv6Address values

complex_number_column bool

Whether to include a column of complex values

uuid4_column bool

Whether to include a column of uuid.UUID values

Source code in src/dx/datatypes/
def random_dataframe(
    num_rows: int = 5,
    dtype_column: bool = True,
    integer_column: bool = True,
    float_column: bool = True,
    bool_column: bool = True,
    decimal_column: bool = False,
    datetime_column: bool = True,
    datetimetz_column: bool = False,
    date_column: bool = False,
    time_column: bool = False,
    time_delta_column: bool = False,
    time_period_column: bool = False,
    time_interval_column: bool = False,
    text_column: bool = False,
    keyword_column: bool = True,
    dict_column: bool = False,
    list_column: bool = False,
    nested_tabular_column: bool = False,
    lat_float_column: bool = False,
    lon_float_column: bool = False,
    latlon_point_column: bool = False,
    filled_geojson_column: bool = False,
    exterior_geojson_column: bool = False,
    bytes_column: bool = True,
    ipv4_address_column: bool = False,
    ipv6_address_column: bool = False,
    complex_number_column: bool = False,
    uuid4_column: bool = False,
):  # noqa: C901
    Convenience function to generate a dataframe of `num_rows` length
    with randomly-generated values of mixed data types.

    num_rows : int
        Number of rows to generate
    dtype_column : bool
        Whether to include a column of `type` values
    integer_column : bool
        Whether to include a column of `integer` values
    float_column : bool
        Whether to include a column of `float` values
    bool_column : bool
        Whether to include a column of `bool` values
    decimal_column : bool
        Whether to include a column of `decimal.Decimal` values
    datetime_column : bool
        Whether to include a column of `datetime.datetime` values
    datetimetz_column : bool
        Whether to include a column of `datetime.datetime` values with timezones
    date_column : bool
        Whether to include a column of `` values
    time_column : bool
        Whether to include a column of `datetime.time` values
    time_delta_column : bool
        Whether to include a column of `pd.Timedelta` values
    time_period_column : bool
        Whether to include a column of `pd.Period` values
    time_interval_column : bool
        Whether to include a column of `pd.Interval` values
    text_column : bool
        Whether to include a column of long `str` values using `faker`
    keyword_column : bool
        Whether to include a column of short `str` values
    dict_column : bool
        Whether to include a column of `dict` values
    list_column : bool
        Whether to include a column of `list` values
    nested_tabular_column : bool
        Whether to include a column of `list` values with nested dictionaries
    lat_float_column : bool
        Whether to include a column of `float` values representing latitudes
    lon_float_column : bool
        Whether to include a column of `float` values representing longitudes
    latlon_point_column : bool
        Whether to include a `geopandas.GeoSeries` of `shapely.geometry.Point` values (requires `geopandas` to be installed)
    filled_geojson_column : bool
        Whether to include a `geopandas.GeoSeries` of circular `shapely.geometry.Polygon` values (requires `geopandas` to be installed)
    exterior_geojson_column : bool
        Whether to include a `geopandas.GeoSeries` of rectangular `shapely.geometry.LineString` values (requires `geopandas` to be installed)
    bytes_column : bool
        Whether to include a column of `bytes` values
    ipv4_address_column : bool
        Whether to include a column of `ipaddress.IPv4Address` values
    ipv6_address_column : bool
        Whether to include a column of `ipaddress.IPv6Address` values
    complex_number_column : bool
        Whether to include a column of `complex` values
    uuid4_column : bool
        Whether to include a column of `uuid.UUID` values
    df = pd.DataFrame(index=list(range(num_rows)))

    if dtype_column:
        df["dtype_column"] = misc.generate_dtype_series(num_rows)

    if bool_column:
        df["bool_column"] = misc.generate_boolean_series(num_rows)

    # numeric columns
    if integer_column:
        df["integer_column"] = numeric.generate_integer_series(num_rows)

    if float_column:
        df["float_column"] = numeric.generate_float_series(num_rows)

    if decimal_column:
        df["decimal_column"] = numeric.generate_decimal_series(num_rows)

    if complex_number_column:
        df["complex_number_column"] = numeric.generate_complex_number_series(num_rows)

    # date/time columns
    if datetime_column:
        df["datetime_column"] = date_time.generate_datetime_series(num_rows)

    if datetimetz_column:
        df["datetimetz_column"] = date_time.generate_datetimetz_series(num_rows)

    if date_column:
        df["date_column"] = date_time.generate_date_series(num_rows)

    if time_column:
        df["time_column"] = date_time.generate_time_series(num_rows)

    if time_delta_column:
        df["time_delta_column"] = date_time.generate_time_delta_series(num_rows)

    if time_period_column:
        df["time_period_column"] = date_time.generate_time_period_series(num_rows)

    if time_interval_column:
        df["time_interval_column"] = date_time.generate_time_interval_series(num_rows)

    # string columns
    if text_column:
        df["text_column"] = text.generate_text_series(num_rows)

    if keyword_column:
        df["keyword_column"] = text.generate_keyword_series(num_rows)

    # container columns
    if dict_column:
        df["dict_column"] = misc.generate_dict_series(num_rows)

    if list_column:
        df["list_column"] = misc.generate_list_series(num_rows)

    if nested_tabular_column:
        df["nested_tabular_column"] = generate_nested_tabular_series(

    # geopandas/shapely columns
    if lat_float_column:
        df["lat_float_column"] = geometry.generate_lat_float_series(num_rows)

    if lon_float_column:
        df["lon_float_column"] = geometry.generate_lon_float_series(num_rows)

    if latlon_point_column:
        df["latlon_point_column"] = geometry.generate_latlon_series(num_rows)

    if filled_geojson_column:
        df["filled_geojson_column"] = geometry.generate_filled_geojson_series(num_rows)

    if exterior_geojson_column:
        df["exterior_geojson_column"] = geometry.generate_exterior_bounds_geojson_series(num_rows)

    # extras
    if bytes_column:
        df["bytes_column"] = misc.generate_bytes_series(num_rows)

    if ipv4_address_column:
        df["ipv4_address_column"] = misc.generate_ipv4_series(num_rows)

    if ipv6_address_column:
        df["ipv6_address_column"] = misc.generate_ipv6_series(num_rows)

    if uuid4_column:
        df["uuid4_column"] = misc.generate_uuid4_series(num_rows)

    return df